We have partnered with VEGAS CITY to build BONE CITY in DECENTRALND

2 min readJul 27, 2021
Just chillin with the community on our new patch of land.

To round out 4 big announcements we’re pumped to share that we have partnered with VEGAS CITY to build BONE CITY (Slumdoge HQ) in Decentraland.

Vegas City, as innovative as it is immersive, is one of the largest districts within Decentraland, an open source virtual world built on the Ethereum Blockchain. In Decentraland, users can create, experience, and monetize their content and applications. Vegas City expands on that by allowing providers to lease LAND parcels.

In partnering with Vegas City we get a long lease on the land without the upfront cost of a land purchase which allows us to put funds and attention into our ultimate vision for bringing an epic Slumdoge HQ to life with all the best features available in Decentraland.

Big should out to James Ashton and the rest of the team at Vegas City for helping to bring our vision forward.

In addition to this, last night we submitted our next wearable drop to Decentraland so this week the Slumdoge Billionaire Space Force Flight Suit collection will be complete!

We’re incredibly pumped to be bringing one of our major road map items to fruition — stay tuned for the updated road map!


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